Termux - Android Linux Environment

 What is Termux ?

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment application that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically, additional packages are available using the package manager.

You can obtain Termux builds from F-Droid. Do not install it from Google Play. Bcoz, their gogle play support of termux iis stopped, so that you cannot install needed packages from termux which is installed from google play. So, make sure to instal the termux from F-Droid.

System requirements:

  • Android 7.0 - 11.0
  • CPU: AArch64, ARM, i686, x86_64.
  • At least 200 MB of disk space.

Please note that Termux does not support ARM devices without NEON SIMD, for example on devices based on Nvidia Tegra 2 CPUs.

On various Internet resources, Termux is recognized as utility extremelly helpful for variety of purposes like hacking, phishing and information gathering. This is possible due to availability of famous pentesting software like Metasploit FrameworkSQLMAPAircrack-NGNmap and many others. Best experience could be achieved by using a rooted device and NetHunter modified kernel (BaseNetSDRUSBWi-Fi).

Termux is not for hacking!

Termux has been created as general-purpose tool suitable for wide range of use cases. People often use it for task automation via shell scripting, SSH client, file synchronization and backup, running pocket web server or development environment. Hacking is just only one of many possible usage variants.

Unfortunately, the Internet is full of examples of the worst possible Termux usages targeted on people excessively interested in privacy violation, fraud, spying or stalking. Other use cases just have no chance to be discovered, especially if people are new to Linux-based systems. Mature Linux communities often recognize our project as "script kiddie" sandbox, rather than a serious project aiming to bring common free and open source software to Android OS ecosystem. This makes troublesome to find qualified contributors to keep the project up.

Now, we have chosen to not participate in this nonsense. We do not provide hacking tools in our repositories anymore - don't even ask for them. Several common tools were removed, i.e. Metasploit, Hashcat, Hydra, SQLMAP. Additionally, we have banned these topics in our community social media: Hacking, Phishing, Spying (including OSINT), Spamming and others describing activity deliberately violating other person's privacy or is destructive.

Remember that Termux is not a hacking or phishing instrument!


Once you have decided to use Termux for hacking purposes, you are on your own. Your warranty is lost at this point. We will not assist you in fixing issues, whether or not related to your activity. If certain tools do not work or in any other way malfunctioning, report issues to their distributors or original authors.

We are not responsible about data loss, broken devices, exploded batteries and other damage which was caused by your usage of Termux and bundled or sideloaded utilities.

External resources

Want to become hacker? Here is step-by-step guide: https://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Hacker. It will help you to at least understand how long your road would be.

Once you think you are good enough for practice, here is a service for proving your skills: https://www.hackthebox.eu/


0day, abuse, account, adminfinder, aircrack-ng, aireplay-ng, airgeddon, airodump-ng, andrax, androspy, anonymous, apt2, arp poisoning, b11, b3x, b4bomber, backdoor, badmod, beef, black-hydra, blazy, bluespy, bomber, brutal, brute, bruteforce, brutex, bully, burp suite, call, catphish, cloner, combogen, combos, cowpatty, crack, cracking, credmap, cyberscan, d00r, dark-fb, darkfly, ddos, decompile, deface, demozz, devploit, disassemble, discord, dmitry, dsniff, eagleeye, easy_hack, eggshell, email, evilginx, exploit, exploitdb, eyewitness, facebook, faraday, findsploit, firefly, flood, followers, free, fsociety, genvirus, gmail, goldeneye, grabber, h4ck, hack, hacker, hacklock, hakkuframework, hashcat, hemera, hidden eye, i2p, infect, infoga, insta-bf, instagram, instahack, intercept, ipdrone, ip-tracer, johntheripper, kali linux, kalimux, katanaframework, kismet, krack, lazybee, lazymux, lazysqlmap, lazy-termux, lucifer, maltego, malware, maskphish, masscan, mbomb, mdk3, mdk4, metasploit, meterpreter, mitm, mitmproxy, morpheus, mrphish, msf, netattack, nethunter, netscan, nexphisher, nikto, nmap, nmbf, onex, osif, osint, oxidtools, parrot os, password, paybag, payload, pentesting, phishing, phoneinfoga, ping, powersploit, pwn, pyrit, rainbow tables, rang3r, rat, ravana, reaver, recovery, red hawk, root, routersploit, rpcscan, saycheese, setoolkit, shellcode, shellnoob, shodan, skipfish, slowloris, sms, sms bomber, sn1per, socialbox, socialfish, spam, spammer, spazsms, spy, sql injection, sqlmap, sqlninja, sslstrip, striker, tbomb, telegram, th3inspector, thc-hydra, thc-ipv6, thebond, the-eye, thefatrat, theharvester, tool-x, tor, trojan, udp flood, umbrella, virus, vpn, vulnerability, vulnscan, vulscan, webscarab, websploit, webspoilt, weeman, wep, whatsapp, wi-fi, wifi, wifibrutecrack, wifigod, wifi-hacker, wifiphisher, wifitap wifite, wirespy, wordlist, wpa2, wpa3, wps, wpscan, xerxes, xss, xsser, xsstrike, youtube, zirikatu, zphisher.

Secure. Access remote servers using the ssh client from OpenSSH. Termux combines standard packages with accurate terminal emulation in a beautiful open source solution.

Feature packed. Take your pick between Bash, fish or Zsh and nano, Emacs or Vim. Grep through your SMS inbox. Access API endpoints with curl and use rsync to store backups of your contact list on a remote server.

Customizable. Install what you want through the APT package management system known from Debian and Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Why not start with installing Git and syncing your dotfiles?

Explorable. Have you ever sat on a bus and wondered exactly which arguments tar accepts? Packages available in Termux are the same as those on Mac and Linux - install man pages on your phone and read them in one session while experimenting with them in another.

With batteries included. Can you imagine a more powerful yet elegant pocket calculator than a readline-powered Python console? Up-to-date versions of Perl, Python, Ruby and Node.js are all available.

Ready to scale up. Connect a Bluetooth keyboard and hook up your device to an external display if you need to - Termux supports keyboard shortcuts and has full mouse support.

Tinkerable. Develop by compiling C files with Clang and build your own projects with CMake and pkg-config. Both GDB and strace are available if you get stuck and need to debug.


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